Complete our online registration process by clicking the grey REGISTER button on this page to begin the application process.
Step 1: Click "Register" to become a Registered Scholarship Applicant
Step 2: You will receive a confirmation email with instructions on application
Step 3: Reply to this email with your Letter of Application.
The Board of Officers of the Arcolian Dental Arts Society reviews all applications. The winner will be notified after the deadline of November 15, 2017. Candidates are encouraged to attend our regular CE meetings found on our "events" page to meet and familiarize you with the organization and/or to become an active Arcolian Student member (no charge).
Scholarship Recipients and one honored guest will also be awarded complimentary entrance to the Arcolian Christmas party on December 12, 2017 at the Park Ridge Country Club in Park Ridge, IL. Attendance is mandatory for receipt of the scholarship.
Scholarship Requirements
1) Student must be of Italian American Descent or have been adopted into a family of Italian American Descent
2) Student will facilitate hosting one lunch-and-learn event in a given year sponsored and paid for by the Arcolians to educate and encourage students to participate and learn about the organization
3) Student must be a student in good standing and fully enrolled in and ADA approved dental school in attendance in the Chicagoland area (UIC, Midwestern, Marquette [residents of Chicagoland area])
4) Student will submit a one page personal statement on how the scholarship will benefit their dental education
5) Student will submit two academic letters of reference
6) Student MUST attend the Arcolian Christmas Party
Additionally applicants must also have 3 of the following criteria met for qualification for the scholarship.
1. Active in school extracurricular activities
2. Published author (articles, periodicals, journals)
3. Philanthropic (time, effort, money)
4. Outstanding ethical and moral character
5. Community service
6. Catholic
7. Active Arcolian Student Member